Mastering Marketing Success: Tip 2 - How Understanding Your Niche Can Help You Target Your Messaging

It’s cutthroat out there! Every business owner and entrepreneur wants to stand out from the crowd and attract more qualified leads. But with a limited marketing budget, it's essential to be very specific with your messaging (so you don’t waste a penny!). That's where understanding your niche comes in. In this blog post, we'll explore tip 2 of 3 for marketing success: be more targeted with your messaging.

Last week, we talked about the importance of revisiting your niche. If you missed it, catch up by clicking HERE. This week, we're going to dive deeper into how to understand your niche better.

You don’t have to look further than your current clients to understand your niche more. Think about the work you did in Tip 1 and here are some deeper questions to explore with your existing clients:

  • Are your clients using terminology that is specific to their pains?

  • Was there a defining moment that influenced them to begin their search (and ultimately find you)

  • What are they saying when they are describing the reasons why they chose to work with you?

  • Who else did they reach out to when they were needing a solution?

By answering these questions, you'll better understand your client's pain points, and what factors went into their decision to hire you.

🔑 The key takeaway is this 🔑

When you are asking your current clients questions about their pain points and struggles, it's important to actively listen to their responses. Paying attention to the words they use to describe their pains and struggles can provide valuable insight into how they perceive their problems and the language they use to articulate those problems.

If your current clients are using specific keywords or phrases to describe their pain points, it's likely that other potential clients are using the same language when searching for solutions to their problems. By identifying and using the same language in your marketing messaging, you can create a more targeted and effective message that resonates with potential clients.

This can help you to attract more qualified leads to your business and cut through the noise in a crowded marketplace. 

Understanding your niche is crucial if you want to be more targeted with your messaging. By starting with your current clients and their pain points, you'll be able to tailor your marketing approach to fit their needs and preferences. So, take some time to understand your niche better, and start creating content that resonates with your target audience. 

Stay tuned for Tip 3, we’ll talk about the repetition of your marketing message.


Looking for a comprehensive interviewing guide to creating a buyer profile that truly reflects your target audience? Look no further than the Insightful Buyer Profile Interview: 9-Step Process digital download. This blueprint takes you through a 9-step process to create an accurate and insightful buyer profile that will help you better understand and connect with your customers. There are over 40 questions to ask so you get to the heart of your client's purchasing behavior. Then we walk you through how to use that information to build a highly target marketing campaign. Click HERE and use code: BLOG20 to get 20% off!

This blog was written by Kristina Kury, Founder & CEO of  Sprout Creative, working with small business owners and entrepreneurs who are busy running their business, overwhelmed with marketing, and whose growth has plateaued to turn their marketing into a more manageable, automated marketing machine. 

You can follow her at  @SproutCreativeLA on Facebook and Instagram.


Tip 3 - Mastering the Marketing Rule of 7: How Repetition Can Skyrocket Your Sales


Revisiting Your Niche: Essential for Mindful Marketing Budgeting