Tip 3 - Mastering the Marketing Rule of 7: How Repetition Can Skyrocket Your Sales

Marketing can be an expensive endeavor, and many businesses struggle with finding the right balance between budget and impact. However, it is possible to market effectively without breaking the bank. In the last few weeks, I’ve covered two tips on how to do just that: Revisiting Your Niche and Being More Targeted With Your Messaging.

Today, we will dive into the third and final tip: Repetition of Your Marketing Message.

Repetition is the mother of brand learning, and it is the key to building recognition, establishing trust, and ultimately, driving conversions (aka SALES!). At the heart of any successful marketing campaign is the ability to make our message stick in the minds of our target audience. Repetition is the most effective way to accomplish this. It’s also very affordable and can save you time (who doesn’t want hours back in their day!?).

When we repeat our message consistently and frequently, we create a sense of familiarity and recognition that is critical to driving engagement with our brand. This is because repetition helps people remember your message and makes it easier for them to recall your brand when they are ready to make a purchase or take action.

Think about that thing Facebook or Instagram advertised to you…over and over. Did you finally buy it because it just stuck in your mind? Maybe it was a gift for a friend that you kept seeing and thinking — that would be a perfect gift for them!

Repetition also helps to build trust and credibility with our target audience. When we present a consistent message over time, we establish ourselves as reliable and consistent. This is essential because people are more likely to do business with companies they trust.

In addition, repetition enables us to reach a wider audience. Not everyone will notice our message the first time or the second time, or even the third! Some people may need to see it multiple times before they take action. This is known as the Marketing Rule of 7. A person has to see something 7 times before they take action. By repeating our message, we increase the likelihood that it will reach more people and generate more leads for our business.

​​"Repetition makes reputation and reputation makes customers." - Elizabeth Arden

Repetition doesn't mean that you have to repeat the same message over and over again. You can use different formats and channels to communicate your message. For example, you can use social media, email marketing, content marketing, video marketing, and other channels to deliver your message in different ways. The key is to stay consistent with your message and make sure it is aligned with your brand and marketing goals.

So how do you find that message that you’ll be talking about over and over? 

It all goes back to understanding what your clients’ buying habits are. Go back to Tip 1 and Tip 2.

When you what it is they are looking for, you can deliver it, over and over, across a variety of marketing channels. 


Looking for a comprehensive interviewing guide to creating a buyer profile that truly reflects your target audience? Look no further than the Insightful Buyer Profile Interview: 9-Step Process digital download. This blueprint takes you through a 9-step process to create an accurate and insightful buyer profile that will help you better understand and connect with your customers. There are over 40 questions to ask so you get to the heart of your client's purchasing behavior. Then we walk you through how to use that information to build a highly target marketing campaign. Click HERE and use code: BLOG20 to get 20% off!

This blog was written by Kristina Kury, Founder & CEO of  Sprout Creative, working with small business owners and entrepreneurs who are busy running their business, overwhelmed with marketing, and whose growth has plateaued to turn their marketing into a more manageable, automated marketing machine. 

You can follow her at  @SproutCreativeLA on Facebook and Instagram.


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Mastering Marketing Success: Tip 2 - How Understanding Your Niche Can Help You Target Your Messaging